How to Plan a Loved One’s Funeral

Colorful Plumeria

Planning a loved one’s funeral is a huge responsibility for anyone to bear, even if it was someone you were not very close to. After all, you are in charge of the deceased’s final day on earth and for planning the last chance for loved ones to pay their respects. You can simplify the process for yourself by following these tips:

Meet With Other Mourners Everything needs to go smoothly when preparing a funeral , and if you take up the task alone, mistakes are bound to happen. It always helps to bring other loved ones in on the process. Not only does this lift some of the pressure off your shoulders, but it also brings in some additional insight on the deceased’s final wishes. Then everyone can put their heads together, divide up the tasks, and work together to ensure that the funeral is perfect.

Do Your Research Don’t think that you are obligated to hire the funeral home that your loved one’s body was released to. Funeral planning is a major industry in the United States, and funeral homes differ widely to appeal to specific customers. Shop around town for a funeral home with a nice setting and, most importantly, a staff that you feel comfortable trusting to do everything right.

Place an Obituary Once you have your plans for the funeral laid out, write out an obituary in your loved one’s local paper. Many newspapers have online submission forms that you can fill out and send in. Obituaries notify your loved one’s friends and family who may not otherwise know about the death, and provide information on his or her legacy and funeral. In addition, if you’d rather have mourners donate to charity than overwhelm the family with a garden’s worth of flowers, the obituary is the place to say it.

You can always count on Chapel of the Chimes Oakland to take care of your deceased loved ones. We offer cremations in accordance with many religious specifications and an array of compassionate funeral planning services. Call us at (510) 654-0123 to learn more.