Coping with the Loss of a Spouse

Long-lasting partnerships are one of life’s most beautiful treasures. However, when the time comes to lay your soul mate and closest friend to rest, the beauty you experienced together can make acceptance of your spouse’s passing especially difficult.

For an idea of what you may expect to experience following your spouse’s death and strategies for coping, watch this educational video clip. After acknowledging that the death of a husband or wife can be excruciatingly painful, Dr. Maurice Turmel offers some helpful advice for coming to terms with your loss and incorporating your loved one’s memory into your everyday life.

Many widows and widowers find it comforting to talk to others who are coping with the death of a spouse. By participating in a funeral home support group or looking for grief support groups in your area, you can determine whether or not support groups are a source of comfort for you. To speak with a funeral services provider at one of the East Bay’s most inclusive and organized funeral homes, call Chapel of the Chimes Oakland at (510) 654-0123.