A Look at Jewish Funeral Customs

Every religion has certain customs relating to funeral services. For example, Jewish funerals have particular customs that are expected and appreciated. Respect is an incredibly important element of a Jewish funeral. Traditionally, funeral services are held as close to death as possible. There is usually no viewing in traditional services because it is considered rude to look at a person who cannot look back. Families usually opt for simple wooden caskets. The funeral service tends to last about 20 minutes. Close family members wear a black ribbon on their clothing. Mourners participate in the burial by shoveling some dirt onto the casket.

Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland is equipped to handle funeral ceremonies for every religion and culture. We provide you with the burial and cremation services you need to make it through a difficult loss. To learn more about our burial, cremation, and memorial services, visit our website or call (510) 654-0123.