Explaining Death to Young Children

For a young child, death is not an easy concept to understand. After a loved one passes away, in the midst of dealing with your grief, it’s important to explain the death clearly to the young people who are affected by it so that they too can grieve the loss in a healthy way. Even if you decide it’s not appropriate for your children to go to the funeral home, you may still want to take some time to explain death to them.

Watch this video for advice on explaining death to young children. When doing so, remember to use honest language and avoid euphemisms, like going to sleep or going to a better place, which can create fear and confusion.

At Chapel of the Chimes Oakland , our compassionate funeral home staff understands how overwhelming funeral planning can be, and we are here to support you every step of the way. When you need our services, call our funeral home in Oakland at (510) 654-0123.